Empowering companies with content marketing that converts.
Hi There,
My name is Kimberly Ihekwoaba, and I have a background as a Multimedia Storyteller. I have been a professional writer since 2016. I have written storytelling projects for magazines, interviews, articles, blogs, spoken word, festivals, film and stage productions.
In the entertainment industry, storytelling is a vehicle to create compelling characters and a memorable experience.
With my understanding of people, I cultivate stories that bring my audience to an emotional rollercoaster.
Storytelling is also impactful in business. It is a mesh of empathy, connection, and engagement.
I believe that sales is a by-product of building relationships.
People want to feel heard. With proven marketing principles, you get content that converts.
Copywriting services provide support for your brand and digital marketing goals. It is a bridge to connect with your potential clients and communicate the value you offer.
Focus on running your business while I provide messaging that speaks to your audience.